Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week 10 and Counting.....

It's the end of week 10 and you are growing rapidly in your mother's womb. It has been an interesting time to say the least. I wonder if you are a boy or a girl, no matter what we will love you just the same. I think that is the hardest adjustment of all, knowing that once you are finally here our lives will be forever changed. It is a welcome change, we look forward to watching you grow, playing with you, holding you in our arms. My neighbor struggles to raise his kids from his cell phone, I am grateful to your mother that I won't have to endure that. I just pray that I can be the best Dad that I can possibly be. Your mother and I both had strained relationships with our parents growing up, and those memories are probably going to be the thing that gives us extra incentive to be and do the best we can for you. I think that's what a parents love is trully about, thinking less about yourself and more about what would be best for your child.
Thursday your Mom told her mom about you. It was a pretty big thing, because we both were wary of her reaction and didn't know how she would take the news. I am very proud of her for doing so. You should know that your Mom is an amazing woman with a wonderful heart. Over the course of my lifetime I have wanted to be a Father and a husband, but it never came to fruition. Not until I met your Mother, and I know why. No other woman could have loved me the way your Mother does, and I couldn't not have shared something so wonderful with anyone else. When we first got together, there were so many things that we shared that let us know that this was more than coincidence, moe than just a random crossing of two paths.
Some time in the future to come I hope that you will read these posts and know just how much we loved you even before you left the womb. The only scary part of all this is going to be the delivery. Your mom was watching birthing videos on YouTube the other day and I have to admit it was a little un-nerving. It looks really painful, I pray that your mom opts for the epidural so she doen't suffer unnecessarily. Regardless I will be there for her, I am looking forward to seeing you come into the world, and holding you for the first time. I can't wait!

1 comment:

JF said...

Jerry... I haven't met you, but from reading your blogs, you have convinced me that you are PERFECT for Michelle! You sound like a man of gold! Your little butter bean is so lucky to have you as a father and Michelle as a mother. I can't wait to meet you someday. Michelle, I miss you so much. Both your writings are encouraging and I am so excited for both of you. Michelle, please send me your email address so we can keep in touch. Mine is