I can't believe I am already 20 weeks along. Time seems to be going by quickly. This week, I have started to have a difficult time doing a sit up when I'm lying down. I used to be the queen of ab work. I could to 100's of crunches without a burn. Pikes on the ab ball was the only thing that was challenging. Now, a simple crunch is difficult. I kinda have to roll to one side then get up. I was on my hands and knees cleaning out the fridge today, going back and forth from the fridge to the sink to rinse my bleach rag. After about the eighth rinse, I struggled when getting off the floor. I decided to hold on to the condiment rack for assistance so I could pull myself up off the floor. As I hoisted myself up, I pulled the rack off the door! I felt like PregZilla, ripping off the fridge door.
I don't understand why I don't see men with big beer guts "rolling" out of bed or struggling to get off the floor. What is this pregnant belly phenomenon? Do my ab muscles have rigor mortis now? Am I trying to protect Chloe on some unconscious level? By the time I'm 35 weeks pregnant, I'll probably have a life alert hanging around my neck so I can page Jerry when I get out of bed.
The weird dreams continue. The most bizarre dream of this week was about a orange, tabby kitten. I was having an ultrasound and the tech was concerned about how many vertebrae my baby had, "And these ears, they are so pointy. You are having a female kitten!" Everyone at work kept asking the sex of the baby but I was ashamed to tell them I was carrying a feline. At least it's a cute kitty, I kept telling myself, I could be carrying a something ugly like a lizard. I woke up expecting my belly to meow.
I can feel Chloe move daily now. She is most active at night, after I eat and lay down. Maybe she's happy she's been fed. Or maybe she feels cramped because my belly is as tight as an engorged tick after I eat. Jerry can really feel her punching and kicking now, it sometimes scares him. It is a surreal feeling to know a life is growing and moving inside of me. I remember how exciting it was for me to watch the dairy goats pregnancy and birth. I would hold my hands over their bellies and wait for a bump. I never thought I would have my hands resting on my belly and feel my own baby stirring. It's one of the greatest experiences I have ever had.
1 comment:
It sounds like your pregnancy is going great and your tum looks adorable!
Your abdomial muscles no longer form a nice vertical on either side of the midline - they are starting to spread out and curve around the baby. You can forget about sit ups now - really. Not a good idea. You are not supposed to do any ab work while lying on your back. Here is what you can do.
You look great!
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