Dear Chloe,
You and I are growing everyday. Now, I can really feel you kicking, punching and rolling. Sometimes, as I'm dozing off to sleep, your movements startle me. Most of the time, it's great fun. It's like our little secret when you kick. I can't help but smile and giggle. If I'm at home, I'll talk to you and pat back. This usually gets a response. You'll kick again but then you decide the game is over after a few rounds. I think you can understand some forms of communication. I've been experimenting with music, classical. You seem to enjoy the stringed instruments most. You move the most when I have Mozart's string quartet in C major playing on the laptop close to my belly. Either you are dancing or you are thrashing around because you hate it.
Today, we went to the gym after a long while. I'm feeling a lot better since I started taking the prescription iron supplement. People even comment I have more color in my face. It felt good to workout again, we did the elliptical for 35 minutes. I didn't even attempt to lift the amounts I had been a few months ago and no squats. It was actually a challenge to climb up on the tricep dip machine.It felt nice to break a sweat. I tried running two weeks ago and I just felt too much lower abdominal pressure. The elliptical was much more comfortable. Your Dad was kind of upset I worked out for so long. He's worries about you because he loves you so very much. I assured him you were fine, you had your own kick boxing program going on when we got home.
We are getting ready to move to a new place. A place where you will have your own room. A place where we will have a deck to enjoy. A place that has a big garden tub we can bathe in. A place where we have our own washer and dryer. A place were we'll sit in front of the fireplace and have our first Christmas. A place to call home!
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