Please stand up..........
My Darling Daughter,
Your one month birthday is tomorrow. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. One of the tenets of your Mother and I's relationship is honesty. So I was compelled to include some unflattering pictures of you to show how you sometimes react to things. In the past month your personality has started to emerge. You grow bored of things fast, you don't like to sleep like Daddy unless the conditions are perfect. You get so mad when you don't get what you want right then, and your crying can be quite tenacious. Sometimes whenI hold you , you look around at things and study them. You like my black and white NY hat, you give me the strangest stares whenever I hold you and don't wear it. When you smile at me, my heart melts. I have gotten to actually like changing your diaper, whenever you lay on the changing table I talk to you like you might actually understand me. I always look forward to coming home from work, then I get to hold you and talk to your Mom and talk about our day. I think you act differently towards your mother, and you can distinguish which parent can supply which need. You sometimes scream your little head off, and I wish you could talk and share whatever it is that ails you. Last week you were hoarse for a day and a half because you had screamed for two days straight whenever you were awake. Sometimes I feel bad, because I know your Mom is with you 24 hours a day and I get a break from parenting by going to work. I try to help care for you whenever I am home, holding you and spending time with you has replaced my daily PS2 marathons.
Every day you are getting bigger, time seems to have gone by so fast. It seems like just a week ago we were driving home in Mrs. Ciel's truck bringing you home for the very first time. It was like starring in our very own "Bringing Home Baby" episode. When you get old enough to read this with understanding know that we have loved you from the start. Your Mom works really hard for you and has totally and completely dedicated herself and ALL of her time to caring for you. The months and years ahead and just the thought of raising you brings tears to my eyes. You, your Mom and I are going to have so much fun. I love you Chloe Jade Rivera :)
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