Picture of us after the ultrasound...
It's a
We got a good profile shot. She has a big noggin', measuring in the 79 percentile.
She weighs 11oz and her heart rate was 149. She passed the Down's test. The doctor said she looked great. This picture looks kind of scary with her arms over her head. She's doing the "wave". I think she has a pretty mouth though! It looks like she's smiling.
They did a finger prick and I'm anemic, test came back at 10.5. I have been taking my prenatal vitamin everyday too! I went down three points since the last test was done. I was prescribed a huge horse pill iron supplement. I have been feeling tired but I thought this was just a normal part of pregnancy. Sometimes, people tell me I look pale. I have felt faint but I thought this was normal too. I guess these are all signs of anemia. The doctor said I should feel much better in about two weeks. It will take a month to build my iron stores back up.
Then, I got some bad news. I have placenta previa. My placenta is covering my cervix. Hopefully, as Chloe grows, my placenta will be pushed upward, away from my cervix. The doctor said not to stress out about it too much now, they will check again at 28 weeks. I can't help but worry though. The doctor asked if I've had any bleeding. I haven't, which is a good sign. If my placenta doesn't shift upwards, I will have to have a C-section. :(
All in all, I am very excited and happy. I'm so glad I finally saw my baby girl!
She looks adorable! All 11 ozs of her.
I hope they told you to eat dried fruit and drink a lot of water with that iron. If they didn't, take it from me. A few dried apple rings with every meal will really help you out with the issues that taking iron can cause. And water - lots of water.
Awwwwww Chloe's so cute! Congrats!
HELLO!! My how your life has changed!! How exciting that you're having a baby girl :-)
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