When Chloe was hungry, I warmed the liquid gold up in a pan. When I got the refrigerated breast milk out, it had a top layer of fat. It reminded me of the goat's milk. Feeding the baby goats, the six Dasani plastic water bottles heating up on the stove. Skimming goat's milk when I made ice-cream. I felt like a glorified nanny goat.
We have been worried that Chloe would reject the bottle because she loathes pacifiers. The pacifier war has escalated, if she is crying and you try to give her one, she gets louder. I got the message loud and clear a few weeks ago. I don't even attempt to give her a pacifier as a constellation prize. Daddy, on the other hand, likes to keep trying. I think it's a battle of the wills, and Chloe, I have no doubt you'll win. You got 2x the amount of stubbornness from both your father and I. You are stubborn to the highest power. When you start to cry you will not give up until your needs are met.
I tried to run errands today. It has to be a plan everytime I go out now. Feed you right before I leave, change your diaper, have my stops planned out so I'm usually home with 2-3 hours. On my way to the post office, you start wailing in the car. You do not stop. I think you are hungry because you didn't eat a lot before I left. So, I climb into the backseat with you and feed you for 15 minutes. I put you in the carseat and wobble into the post office. We get in the line and you let out a sudden wail that sound like a possessed, rabid lamb. The lady in front of us, jumped like you were about to take a bite of her ankles. Then, at the grocery store, in the frozen food section you scream like I beat you with a frozen turkey. This is where the first Ba-Ba experience enters the picture. It takes way longer to run simple errands with you. If I have to feed you, add 20 minutes. If I have to take you in and out of the carseat to hold and settle you down add 3-5.
Once your Dad tested the temperature of the bottle, you two headed to the loveseat. You were already mad because I was holding you and you were doing you "angry chicken peck"- you were hungry. So, when I handed you to your Dad with bottle in hand, you just cried harder.
"I am hungry!! He has no boobage! WWAAAAAAHHH- En Garde! Let the paci war begin!" When he put the nipple in your mouth, you fought this new plastic oral fixation device. Once you tasted the milk, it was on like Donkey Kong!
The look you gave your Dad as he fed you was priceless. "What is this? Daddy has a plastic milk factory??" He had the proud papa face on too. He even switched sides like I do when I'm breastfeeding. You sucked so hard you made the nipple flat and had to open your mouth so it would refill with air. You caught on quick and in less than five minutes the bottle was empty. It seemed like you wanted to "help hold the bottle". I have always loved your Dad's hands and to see you two working together was heartwarming.
After that fast, super sized meal, you were zonked. You slept for almost four hours. I pumped again this morning and I have four ounces waiting in the fridge for your late night meal with Dad.
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If you think you are having trouble, just remember that at least it's not two!
She's a cutie!
Those pictures are so much better than triathlon could ever be. I'm happy for you.
Sweetness....all around....!
Belated Congratulations on the baby! She's a cutie. Beautiful name.
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