Who Me?
Yes, YOU!
I think you have colic. There is no test for colic but you have all the signs. It started to peak around six weeks. You have more gas than the Good Year blimp. You'll clench your fists like Muhammad Ali, and arch your back like Greg Louganis flipping off the high dive. At first, I thought you were just spoiled and throwing a fit when I wasn't holding you. Now, I realize you are in pain when you are trying to expel the gas.
Some days, I feel like you are a leech sucking the life out of me. I have to hold you tweleve hours a day. I feel like I've had a great day when I can get a load of laundry done and dinner made. I've learned to deal with you clinging on me like a spider monkey with the help of the sling. I'll vacuum and put dishes away with you strapped to me. You are a better shopping partner when you are in the sling than the carseat. You actually look at the cans of green beans riding in the sling instead of screaming like I threw the beans at you in the car seat.
We had a really bad day last week. You were awake from 8am to 9pm. You fought sleep as if you were to nap, you'd turn into Sleeping Beauty and never wake until your prince kissed you. I was frazzled and thought a field trip to the strawberry patch would help. When I put you in the car, you were screaming. You calmed down only when the car was moving. Every stoplight made you panic. We stood in line in front of a wooden table loaded with cardboard boxes of strawberries and you let out a wail.
"Oh no, her leg! I think you scraped her leg on the table!", the strawberry lady said.
"That's just a strawberry.", I told her.
"No, the baby's leg is bleeding! I think you hit her leg on the wood and that's why she's crying."
People think you are injured because you cry so hard. It was just your strawberry birthmark the lady was concerned about. On the way home, you cried all the way. I passed a fire station. I thought to myself, a safe drop zone- no questions asked! Maybe the fire fighters would babysit for a few hours so I could regain my sanity. They probably could handle your noise since they are used to the sirens on the trucks. You would fit in just great, a little WAHHHbulance!
When we go to someone's house for dinner, you fuss the entire time. Your worst hours are 5-7pm. I think it's because you are overly tired.
You'd like to chain me to the rocking chair and nurse all evening if you could find a lock and key. It makes me feel sad when I take you out and you're so unhappy. You are so pretty Chloe Jade. People fawn over you and want to make you laugh and smile. They want to cuddle and hold you but I am the only one you want right now. I want to share your cuteness with the world.
I've been trying to find ways to comfort you. We have tried gas drops, gripe water, tummy time, massage and then I got an idea of pushing your gas out using a stability ball. It works! The ball has some use even though I don't have the time for crunches right now.
It's not all bad though Chloe. There are moments of the day that make all the bad hours worth it. You love to take baths on your yellow foam mat. You relax and calm down like you're on a float in the French Riviera. You enjoy music and I can get you to giggle by doing the Hokey Pokey with you. You are strong, you have started flipping from stomach to back.
You have taught me about myself. I never thought I had patience. You proved me wrong. I have never known true, unconditional love until I met you. I have given up on people in my past. My love for you will never waver no matter how much you challenge me. I'll sit and rock you for hours on end if that is what you need. I'll try my best finding ways to make you happy and comfortable. We'll stop taking dinner invitations because you are more happy at home in the evenings. I will make any sacrifice for you. The moment I set eyes on you, I knew I wanted to make the best life possible for us. It's not all about me anymore, it's you and me kid. I have no doubt that this colic phase will pass. There will be better days ahead filled with your adorable impish grin that melts my heart.
A mother's love for her child is like
nothing else in the world. It knows no
law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes
down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
~ Agatha Christie
You poor thing. My son was like this. He was either crying, nursing or sleeping.
Here are 3 things that helped for me
1). The colic hold. 2 pics:
If you get the baby in the hold and just rock her back and forth it helps sometimes.
2). Kid in baby carrier on dryer with dryer on (you have to sit right there. Sometimes the noise and vibration help but of course the baby seat can vibrate off the dryer so you have to sit there. Reading magazines or a book is allowed.
3). Baby in front carrier while vacuum is on. Again, the noise helps in many ways. If it doesn't soothe the baby at least it will drown her out and your house will be spotless!
As you know, this only lasts until they are 3 months old and then it fades away. Hang in there!
Also - she's adorable!
It will get better and better. You just brought back all the trials and tribulations of me and my daughter 21 years ago. Now it's different "stuff"- I still love her like nobody will ever know, except how other moms love their daughters.
Just remember...this too shall pass. And yes, she is SO adorable!
(I remember turning up the radio in the car SO LOUD one day on the way back from work, to drown out my daughter's crying...I just couldn't take it anymore..I thought...but I did. And I made it.!)
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